Friday, August 15, 2008

Just When You Thought The Day Gonna Come

If my original “countdown” exercise still on schedule, 7 days from now I will aboard a flight to Amsterdam and in the very next day I will meet my family there. If only…

It turn out that it not going to be that way now, thanks to UK Visa Office (and UK Embassy). Suddenly they feel that they need to interview my maid, and set the appointment on 27th of August. So, everything change, and it’s not for free.

1) My Newcastle – Amsterdam ticket – I bought the cheapest one, hence no change allowed. Crash and burnt £150.
2) Two Amsterdam – Newcastle tickets (for my maid and me) – Changes charge at £30/ tickets, plus upgraded required. Approximately £100 for two tickets
3) My trip to Amsterdam, may be by ferry, or by train via Brussels, £100
4) Changes on my family tickets – I don’t know. Rumour was it cost about RM 500 per ticket.
5) Depression of being alone for another a month or so, including puasa and sahur alone – PRICELESS!!!!!!!

But, I am optimistic. Let restart the counting

29 days more………….


Rahman Hariri said...

Oh no, are you now converted?

ME said... not my friend. Tapi bak pesan orang tua2, kalau makan nasi..ambik hidangan yang dekat dengan kita dulu..eventhough you did not fancy it.

CREATIVE said...

hai pijun....
next season new castle turun division kan...maby ticket free kot utk org kat lah hang dapat snap gambar every game there...hahaha