My eldest son just celebrated his fifth birthday about 5 months ago. As a kid, and a boy, he enjoys cartoons and alike (ultraman, power rangers etc) very much. When I came back from work, 98% he will be there in front of the TV, a tad too close for my liking and automatically I would yelled at him, urging him to take a few steps back, for the good of his eyes.
Then, I flew back to the UK, using Malaysia Airlines for AS-KUL and KUL-DEL route. I picked up their inflight magazine, Going Places and started to read it. One article in that magazine touch about myopia and kids, and misconception about it. The article highlighted that WATCHING TV TOO CLOSE WILL NOT DAMAGE YOUR EYESIGHT. It does make your eyes little bit strain and all but that is it. Then it also said, if, your kids tend to watch a TV in close distance, maybe that because they cannot see from afar, and most probably they have myopia.
The article set me aback. Here I am, scolding my son, even before I bring him to check his eyes. I mean, how many of us parents bring our kids to opto to check their eyesight? So, I told this to my wife and asked her to set an appointment with the optometrist. Today, we get the result. He has myopia and quite a serious one too. In term of power, both of his eyes are on 350, very high considering he is a kid and still in developing period. No wonder he watches TV so close.
Being dependable to glasses since 12 years old, I can say that I am an expert in this area, despite this is not the best area to be involved with. Imagine him wearing those glasses, I can help thinking how he will miss certain things, just like me. Football for instance, will never be the same again, so as swimming.
On the bright side, at least we know what is wrong with him. Hopefully this will make his life more colourful.
1 comment:
abg got his glasses today, happy with his look.(like father like sons!!!)
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